Be organic. Reveal Yourself.
Big Picture offers exclusive photo shoots and Social Media Coaching. Professional Photos and videos sporting your imagery and style. Become the distinctive you – catch the audience’s eyes, anywhere.
shooting seminare
My Big Picture
Your personal collection.
The Shooting.
On site.
Let your art speak to the world.
You come up with the entire Look, consisting of Haircut, Haircolor and Styling.
Petra Brockmann, Thomas Brockmann-Knödler and 30 years of experience will guide you along the rocky parts. So, you master your Magnus Opum.
Make it reality exactly the way you imagined it.
We have our professional photographers to press the shutter button, so your imagery will be preserved for eternity – and the whole world’s audience.
Let us create visual worlds that emphasize and complete your brand and corporate design.
Use them for the Web, Social Media, Print, PR.
Professionally and face-to-face.
Get in touch with us.
Price according to effort and terms of agreement.
seminar fee
- Salon Coaching
- 3 days on request
Create & Shoot!
You do it the organic way.
Show the world – make some noise!
Your creation – our shooting
The results you worked so hard for at the ORGÆNIC Academy are solely yours –
your way of perceiving, grasping and reflecting personalities.
The professional photo shooting forms your professional brand imagery.
The more effort you put in backstage, the more sustainable the results.
Hard work joined by an abundance of creativity.
Creating haircuts and haircolors only you could work.
You hold the key.
To everything.
To the source of your idea.
Step through the door – the world will follow close behind.
To enjoy the centerpieces of your collection.
How do you lay the foundation?
Questions and Answers.
3 days at the ORGÆNIC Academy.
To prepare your model’s hair, create unique haircuts, haircolors, hairstyles.
Your potential fully blown.
Results that authentically, organically speak for themselves – and for you.
The Imagery of your brand and style.
Pick and choose your three favourites from the range of photos.
In high resolution – of course – to represent you appropriately Online, on Social Media, in Newsletters, printed products, PR.
We will provide everything you need for the photo shooting.
- Hair Models and clothing
- Set & Photographer
- Make-up Artist
- Acclaimed Shooting experience
- Final selection and editing
- Social Media-Accompaniment (Story + Links)
By the way: indulge your eyes – from the best of we create a large format pictorial book. Including artwork of fellow members of the ORGÆNIC Family. You get on example for free anually. Order more here.
special services
- Drinks, Snacks and Lunch
- excl. travel expenses and lodging
seminar fee
- ORGÆNIC Academy
- 3 Tage EUR 4999 net/person (all price excl. legal VAT)
- interpreter costs are not included
Show your self
Zugegeben – Social Media ist oft mehr Ramschmarkt denn Delikatessenladen.
Die Kopie von der Kopie wird überscrollt.
Aber wissen Endverbraucher, wer Ihr seid?
Was Euch unvergleichlich macht?
Zeigt Euch, aber richtig.
Mit Eurer Bildsprache, Euren vertrauten Tools.
Wir kommen zu Euch in den Salon, einen kompletten Tag.
Und kreieren mit Euch Social Media Content, der vibed.
Arbeitsprozesse zu Sternstunden!
Erschafft Wiedererkennungswert mit Video und Foto.
Zunächst in Theorie.
Woran bleibt das Auge hängen – und der Rest?
Wir zeigen Euch zur Inspiration ein paar Do‘s – und Don’ts.
Schauen, welche Technik Ihr schon beherrscht.
Wo die Potenziale liegen.
Content, Content, Content!
Vorher / Nachher – Alltagsimpressionen zum Beispiel.
Mit Eurem Lieblings-Smartphone und der richtigen Methode.
Wir schneiden mit.
Euren Workflow, Eure Nachhaltigkeit.
Um abzubilden, was nur Ihr könnt.
Schon am Ende des Tages serviert Ihr Eurer Community und Endverbrauchen circa drei Storys, Reels oder Posts – echte Leckerbissen.
Frisch verlinkt auf @orgaenic.lifestyle
Ihr habt Bedarf?
Im Kleinen oder Großen?
Meldet Euch, wir beraten Euch gerne.
seminar fee
- Salon Coaching
- 1 day on request
contact us

Academy Customer Service (international)